ezpz Tiny Spoon 2 Pack | Lime | Ages 4 Months +


Learning to self-feed is an important developmental milestone, and the ezpz Tiny Spoon are designed to help babylearn how to eat with a spoon (scooping) The Tiny Spoon set is the most functional, developmentally appropriate infant spoon on the market.

Features of the Tiny Spoon

  • Soft silicone protects baby's developing teeth and makes gumming + self-feeding safe
  • Slight arc of spoon can be used for dipping and scooping
  • Narrow spoon bowl safely fits baby’s mouth
  • Sensory bumps on the spoon bowl activate sensory awareness to decrease gagging and choking
  • Non-slip grip and short, fat, round handle help baby grasp utensil
  • Bumps on the bottom of the spoon stabilize the spoon when at rest
  • Works for both purees and the baby-led weaning feeding methods

What's in the Box?

 2 Tiny Spoons

Dimensions of the Tiny Spoon

Mini Spoon .75 x 0.9 x 0.9 inches

Portion Size

0.15 oz

Materials & Durability

100% Silicone (BPA, BPS, PVS, phthalate and latex free)
Built to last (silicone will not wear, fade or corrode)


Dishwasher safe

Suitable for ages: 4+ Months