Happy smiling baby in an Uppababy stroller, with mom nearby.

7 Stroller Accessories That Will Make Your Life Easier

7 Stroller Accessories That Will Make Your Life Easier

Jump Baby wants to help you find the right accessories for any kind of stroller, including single and double strollers. Here are the top 7 most important ones you should think about owning. These will make shopping, walking, and traveling with your baby a breeze. All of these would make great additions to your baby registry.

So without further ado...

The top 7 Baby Stroller Accessories you need to buy in 2022 to make your life easier:

Cup holder for the uppababy vista baby stroller.

1) Cup Holders

It's pretty much a fact that everyone likes to have a little something to drink like coffee, water, or juice while they're out and about. And if you have kids with you, this need multiplies by 2 or 3 at the max.

Some strollers come with cup holders standard. ...others don't. But if yours doesn't, we highly recommend adding one. Baby stroller cup holders are big enough to accommodate a water bottle.


Baby jogger has great cup holders.
Extra storage basket for the Veer baby stroller.

2) Extra Storage Basket / Stroller Organizers

You want your little ones to be comfortable and entertained while you're out for long trips. However, bringing all the toys, food, and clothes needed for a successful day out can be a bit of a hassle if you don't have enough storage.

That's why, if you could only pick one piece of gear to pick up out of this entire list to buy in 2022, we suggest an extra storage basket for your stroller.

Stroller storage baskets and stroller organizers offer a convenient (and back-friendly) way to store your little ones' baby gear.

They clip onto your stroller adding additional room for all your baby gear and that mandatory extra thermos of coffee during winter!

These stroller accessories aren't just for the little one either! You can also get storage systems that add additional cup holders and even a phone holder to the handle of your stroller!

If you value organization, your time, and your back, these are stroller accessories you don't want to pass on!
Mommy Hook Carribeaner in 4 colours with example of bags hanging from a baby stroller.

3) Carabiner

Carabineers are one of the best 'all around' storage devices you can buy for your stroller.

If you've ever taken your child shopping with you, you may have experienced the "How am I supposed to push my stroller with six different sized bags over my arms???" moment.

With a stroller carabiner like the [Link to pages] Mommy Hook or the Smarter Hook, you can effortlessly attach bags, purses, umbrellas, or anything else with a strap to the handlebar of your stroller, leaving your hands free.

While being one of the smallest stroller accessories on this list, the carabiner is also one of the most versatile to store so many things.

baby stroller accessory snack tray

4) Baby Stroller Snack Tray

As much as we would love to be able to hit the 'off switch' on our little one's appetite while we're out, the reality is they're going to be eating constantly. Without somewhere for your child to eat all you're going to have is either:

  1. A lot of pitstops to feed your little one.


  2. A very messy baby.

There is, however, another option:

A snack tray for strollers.

This lightweight food tray clips onto your stroller to provide a convenient shelf that has enough space to store a small meal and a cup holder for your child's drink.

It keeps your little one happy and well-fed and makes cleaning up after a meal as easy as a 30-Second wash under warm water.

A stroller cover protects baby from bad weather.

5) Weather Protection Stroller Covers

Weather covers are a must-have accessory for your kiddo's safety and warmth.

The two primary types of covers we are going to talk about today are sun covers, rain, and snow covers.

If you want to see the entire catalogue of different covers we offer click here.

Sun Covers

This is a must-have if you go on any type of daytime outing.

Sunshades keep your baby's delicate skin cool and protected from the sun no matter where you are.

You can find sunshades that fit a single stroller, a double stroller, or any of the wide selection of stroller options available, however...

If possible, buy a sunshade from the same manufacturer that created your stroller to ensure the best possible fit, seal, and cover.


We recommend purchasing an easily collapsible sunshade like the ones found [Link to collection of sunshades] here because the flexibility they offer ensures your baby will be covered in all situations.

Rain/Snow Covers:

These handy stroller all-weather covers are great when the weather abruptly changes and you need temporary stroller coverage from rain or snow.

Depending on where you live in the country, weather covers can range from 'seasonal' items to a daily staple, and having one on hand can make the difference between a stress-free walk and a sprint for cover.


Only purchasing covers with dedicated air vents that allow airflow in but keep the rain out as weather covers are generally made of a plastic/polymer that doesn't breathe well without additional ventilation.
Toy rattle for baby stroller.

6) Rattle or Stroller Toy

Many different stroller rattles can be strapped to your baby's car seat tray or stroller to entertain them. They're also fun to purchase for a baby registry as well. Check out the Skip Hop collection.

Purchasing one of these is a great idea!. Here's why:

  1. Rattles keep them entertained
  2. They help develop hand-eye coordination through different movements of the toys.
  3. They allow your baby to keep their hands and fingers occupied.
  4. It can help them find their voice!

There are so many different rattles available, so suggest starting with one of our favourite brands for rattles and toys, Skip Hop.

Bunting Bags are baby snowsuits for cozy baby stroller adventures in cold weather.

7) Bunting Bag

A bunting bag is a protective 'sleeping bag' to keep your baby warm and cozy during our harsh Canadian winters. These fit most strollers. We recommend the UPPAbaby Ganoush but there are other great brands too.

They have a soft insulated inner layer to keep them warm and a cold-repellent and weather-resistant outer layer that stands up to the elements.

Even if it's just the transfer between the car and the train...

Protecting your little one's delicate skin gives you peace of mind knowing they're warm and cozy...

If possible, opt for a high-quality bag that has a water-resistant outer shell. This is a great item to add to a baby registry as it is a bit pricier.

Conclusion: Your Mobile Baby 'Command Center'

These are the 7 stroller accessories many parents need on their baby registry to make their life easier and turn their stroller into a mobile baby 'command center'.

Happy baby in an Uppababy stroller with mom smiling nearby.

We're glad we could share some helpful tips and stroller accessories for new parents and parents-to-be!

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Have Questions About Strollers?

Strollers are such an important purchase, so make sure you get all the information you need to make your decision. If you want to find out about the latest product features, or just understand your options, please get in touch.

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