All natural, non-toxic, safe for kids and pets
Long lasting, its herbal and essential oil blend naturally repels due to its scent.
Lasts up to two hours, and can safely be re-applied throughout the day.
Safe for daily use
Evidence shows that soybean oil-based repellents provide longer lasting protection
Ask a herbalist:
Is Citronella safe on children?
Citronella has a component called Citrol, found in essential oils of citrus fruits (ie. lemons) and can be a mild skin irritant. Citrol has no known toxicity and is recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency recognizes it as a effective insect repellent. For children under six months, we suggest doing a patch test on baby’s skin. If there is redness, discontinue use directly on skin, but use on rims of clothing and brims of hat instead.
Harvest: Eucalyptus globulus (Eucalyptus) leaf, Cymbopogon flexuosus (Lemongrass) leaf, Mentha pulegium (Pennyroyal) leaf, & Tanacetum Vulgare(Tansy) flowers, infused in Glycine soja (Soya bean) oil and Azadirachta indica (Neem) oil. Hand-blended with essential oils of Cymbopogon nardus (Citronella), Thuja occidentalis (Cedarleaf), Lavandula officinalis (Lavender) & Mentha Piperita (Peppermint).
Size: 62.5 ml Pump spray bottle
Made in Canada.
Fabriqué au Canada.
Matter huile pour le corps à l'eucalyptus.